Tuesday, December 1, 2009


Today I read "SLOB".Owen had explained to Nima how his parents had been killed by a murderer and when he called the cops his "mom" picked up since she is the dispatcher.He told her what had happened so she then sent the cops and soothed him while the cops came,like telling him he did a good thing by holding Jeremy back.She then legally adopted them.He then told Nima that he is building Nemesis because it would reveal who the killer is.He then got into a heated argument with Jeremy because she said that figuring out who the murder is would not help anything like about his weight.

I wonder why did Nima make that prayer to the murder instead of just Owen's parents .I think
maybe just maybe Nima could be the murder like he could have been drunk or sniffing cocaine.I was wrong he was trying to figure out who is the murderer is not how he got huge.I do believe he will find out how he got so fat.

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